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Tafseer Art




12 Weeks

About the Course

Let's have fun with colours, a splash of paint while twirling brightly coloured papers, or how about squeezing and moulding clay to make a goblet.

We will be doing all this and so much more in our unique Tafseer Art Course. Alhumdulillah, with great success & high demand from parents and students alike,

we are restarting our Tafseer Art Course. Each class consists of 1+ hour class in which Tafseer is taught in the first part and Art in the second.

This gives students a stronger foundation and a deeper connection with the divine words of Allah. This, combined with our unique method of all learning styles makes a perfect connection.

We will be working with the 30th Juz, and collectively learning the vocabulary, themes, divine messages, while combining art techniques.

Share the ajar by telling others! Our Prophet Muhammad pbuh said: "A good word is charitable act".

So, be part of the Best of People and do charity, ask others to join. JazakAllah Khair!

Your Instructor

Ust. Aisha Maryam

Ust. Aisha Maryam

Ustadha Aisha Maryam is an American Certified Montessori Professional, a Quran-based curriculum curator, and a self-taught mixed media artist. With the grace of Allah, Ustadha Aisha is both an educator and a student of sacred knowledge. She is an ongoing student of the Islamic Sciences, including Tajweed, Tafseer, Hanafi Fiqh, and Arabic, studying under various notable Traditional Scholars and teachers.

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