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Mini Mumin Club




10 Weeks

About the Course

Mini Mumin Club is an initiative from Ummati Kids to engage our Mini-Mumin Ummatis in intellectual, enriching, and fun activities through play. This program Features Fun and Engaging arts & crafts, Islamic Nasheeds & Nursery Rhymes, Storytime, and names of Allah. Taught by our Internationally Certified Montessori Teacher, Ustadha Aisha M. This is a weekly club, you register monthly. For kids ages 3-6. A Free Digital Workbook will also be provided weekly for kids to work on.

Share the ajar by telling others! Our Prophet Muhammad pbuh said: "A good word is charitable act".

So, be part of the Best of People and do charity, ask others to join. JazakAllah Khair!

*Based on the child's abilities you may need to assist your child

through the club session. You will get confirmation upon payment received

Your Instructor

Ust. Aisha Maryam

Ust. Aisha Maryam

Ustadha Aisha Maryam is an American Certified Montessori Professional, a Quran-based curriculum curator, and a self-taught mixed media artist. With the grace of Allah, Ustadha Aisha is both an educator and a student of sacred knowledge. She is an ongoing student of the Islamic Sciences, including Tajweed, Tafseer, Hanafi Fiqh, and Arabic, studying under various notable Traditional Scholars and teachers.

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